healthy & well


Healthy & Well at LBNL is a centralized location for Lab staff to find support and resources to help build their health, wellness and well-being. The website is intended to get you thinking about the things you can do to foster health and wellness in your life - both at work and at home. In each section you’ll find a collection of resources from the Lab, UC Berkeley and the community that touch on different aspects of health and wellness.

Why does it matter?

You know the safety advice when flying “Secure your own oxygen mask before helping others”? The same goes for health and wellness – caring for ourselves is an integral part in caring for our families, friends and loved ones. Caring for ourselves gives us the capacity to better handle stressful or demanding situations both at home and work.

The site is a collaborative effort between Health Services, Human Resources and the IDEA Office to support the health and wellness of Berkeley Lab employees and their families. Questions? Please email us at

May resources 

Health Services: May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental Health Awareness Month was established over 70 years ago to increase awareness of the importance of mental health and wellness in the U.S., and to celebrate recovery from mental illness.

Lab & Community Mental Health Resources:

Ergo Angle:   Healthy Vision in the Workplace

Benefits Corner:  Health Net Webinars - A three part series on substance abuse and youth

One Minute for Wellness May Slides

Upcoming Events: 

May 1st - Mental Health Awareness Day Workshops with EAP:

Register in advance for Mental Health Awareness Workshops

Mental Health Month Events with All Access ERG:

UC Moves Challenge: May 6 - 31st

Get read to stride into action with the UC Moves Challenge, kicking off on May 6th and running through May 31st.  Each year, this UC system-wide movement champions the wellness and active lifestyles of UC employees. We're gathering faculty, staff, and retirees alike to step out and stride towards a culture of well-being across the UC community. 

Come join us to make friends and build strong bonds with others at LBNL! Register your team (or yourself) for UC Moves beginning April 22nd; registration closes May 26th. Register here.

(for all events, check out the calendar)

Event highlights

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental Health Awareness Month was established over 70 years ago to increase awareness of the importance of mental health and wellness in the U.S., and to celebrate recovery from mental illness. Mental health is essential for a person's overall health. Prevention works and the right treatment is generally effective. Successful awareness campaigns highlight the importance of mental health and promote acceptance, support, prevention, recovery, and resources for various mental health conditions. 

According to 2020 data reported by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI(link is external)), 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. experienced a mental illness and 1 in 20 adults in the U.S. (almost 6%) experienced a serious mental illness. Despite the prevalence of mental health challenges, the stigma tied to talking about and addressing our mental health needs is ever-present. 

On May 1st, Be Well at Work Employee Assistance invites you to prioritize your mental health. The day will include virtual workshops highlighting mental health education and well-being strategies, as well as in-person experiential activities aimed at caring for your mental health. Campus and community partners will join us throughout the day so that you can learn more about existing support in our community. We hope you will join us!

These workshops are brought to the Lab by the Employee Assistance Program: Employee Assistance provides no-cost confidential counseling and referral for LBNL.

Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace: For Supervisors & Managers
May 1st, 9 am -10 am - Online Event

Working in a management or leadership role comes with many responsibilities, not the least of which is supporting your employees. However, when mental health challenges are disclosed or suspected based on observed behavior, managers often aren’t sure how best to respond; or whether they should respond at all. Be Well at Work - Employee Assistance is uniquely positioned to help managers and supervisors navigate the intersection of mental health and the workplace. During this live webinar, we will share observations, common misconceptions, and useful strategies related to mental health in the workplace while also discussing how to support individuals and teams in order to provide support, maintain boundaries, and still focus on getting the work done. Bring your questions! Through a predominantly question and answer format, this session is an opportunity for managers and supervisors to get their questions answered, and also learn from each other. 

Register for Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace

Re(Starting) Your Journaling Practice
May 1, 10:30 am - 11:15 am - Hybrid Event

Journaling is a great opportunity to introspect, self-reflect, gain awareness into our emotional and thought patterns, and independently solve problems. Yet, many times, it is difficult to get started or restarted with a journaling practice- do I just start writing? How will I feel if I read it later? Do I have to write in a notebook or is typing in my phone the same thing? This workshop will help answer these questions, offering education about the benefits of journaling for our mental health, different types of journaling, and example prompts to get you started. The second half of the workshop will be devoted to starting your journaling practice, and in-person participants will receive a complimentary journal. This workshop welcomes those with any and all levels of journaling experience.  Attend in person and receive a free journal!

Register for Re(Starting) Your Journaling Practice

Walking Meditation: Using Nature to Boost Your Mood
May 1, 11:30 am - Noon - In-Person at the Staff Community Garden

Walking meditation is a type of mindfulness practice that uses nature and quiet movement to develop calm and enhance connectedness to one’s self and one’s surroundings. We chose to highlight this type of meditation as it offers a user-friendly approach to resetting the nervous system and can be practiced during everyday moments. You do not need any prior meditation experience.  

Register for Using Nature to Boost Your Mood

In the Absence of Fear, Love Settles In, Unifying Body, Mind, and Feelings with Breema.
May 1, 12:15 pm - 12:45 pm - In-Person at the Staff Community Garden

Fear, anxiety, and criticism, are forms of psychological and emotional tension that steal our energy, and depress our relationship with life. One antidote for this is simple. As soon as we see we are in a critical state, we can stop fighting with ourselves and come to a more inclusive dimension of experience by using our breath and weight to come to the body. Once body and mind are working together, our relationship with life changes: instead of trying to get rid of, or change a temporary state, we can see that while we are in a state, we are not that state and can therefore begin to relate to it differently, with more acceptance and less judgment. This saves a lot of our energy, and allows us to be more available to life.  Join us for this experiential class where we will learn to slow down and connect using simple Breema self care exercises and principles in moving meditation practice for unifying and balancing the energies of body, mind, and feelings. We hope to see you here. Please come comfortably dressed and prepared for light movement activity.

Register for Unifying Body, Mind, and Feelings with Breema

Maintaining Mental Wellness at Work
May 1, 1 pm -2 pm - Online via Zoom 

It’s no surprise that our work can impact our mental health, and our mental health can impact our work. At times, this relationship between work and our personal wellness can become strained. So, in those moments, what strategies can we use to continue caring for ourselves while also staying present and professional at work? In this workshop, we’ll discuss four strategies that can be helpful- setting boundaries, assertive communication, emotion regulation, and creating healthy rituals at work. This workshop is most appropriate for those newer to their mental health journey, or those who appreciate a refresher course.

Register for Maintaining Mental Wellness at Work

Mindful Meditation
May 1, 2 pm - 2:30 pm - Online via Zoom

Mindfulness meditation can have a profound impact on psychological and physical health, improving mood, decreasing stress, strengthening the immune system, and supporting sleep. Join us for this short mindful moment in which we will focus on our breath in order to increase our self-awareness, thereby offering us a moment of reprieve from our busy minds and schedules. 

Zoom Link for Mindful Meditation

Print the Mental Health Awareness Day Poster

for your Division

UC Moves Challenge: May 6 - 31st

Get ready to stride into action with the UC Moves Challenge, kicking off on May 6th and running through May 31st.  

Each year, this UC system-wide movement champions the wellness and active lifestyles of UC employees. We're gathering faculty, staff, and retirees alike to step out and stride towards a culture of well-being across the UC community. 

Come join us to make friends and build strong bonds with others at LBNL!

Register your team (or yourself) for UC Moves beginning April 22nd; registration closes May 26th. Register here. 

10 Minute Morning Stretch Breaks are Back!

What are stretch breaks?

Stretch breaks are a short, fun, and easy way to get up from your desk and bring a little movement into your day. The ten-minute stretch breaks, led by your fellow Berkeley Lab colleagues, feature simple and accessible stretches and a great community of like-minded employees.

Days: Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Time: 9:15 - 9:25 am

Add the breaks to your calendar

Join us on Zoom

Stretch Break Leaders Needed

Morning stretch breaks are community led, by employees just like you, and we need volunteers to keep the program going. If you would like to join the leading team, but are not sure where to start we're happy to provide resources, suggestions and coaching to help you put together 10 minutes of easy, accessible stretches. Please contact Ashley Dawn ( if you're interested.

Be Well at Work February - May 2024 Classes

Join the Be Well At Work Faculty and Staff Health Programs to discover experiential insights, practical tips, and effective strategies to enhance your well-being. The workshops provide a supportive environment for learning and nourishment with a focus on mental wellness, financial literacy, and caregiver resilience.

These workshops are brought to the Lab by the Employee Assistance Program: Employee Assistance provides no-cost confidential counseling and referral for LBNL. 

Click on the link to register - registration in advance is required to receive the login information.

Elder Care

Monthly BIPOC Support Group

Every 2nd Tuesday of the Month, 12 - 12:50 pm

Facilitated by Kiran Johl, LCSW. Employee Assistance Counselor

First group meets on Tuesday, October 10th at noon

This virtual space is for Black, Indigenous, and staff and faculty of Color to join together in community for discussion, support, and encouragement. Topics such as challenges and successes of working at UC Berkeley, intersection of identities, current events, and fostering one’s mental and physical health will be explored.

Email for registration and zoom link.

Wellness calendar

Interested in adding the Healthy & Well at LBL events to your calendar? Just click on the blue + sign in the lower right hand corner of the calendar below and you'll be able to view our events from your Google calendar.