wellness Ambassadors

Berkeley Lab Wellness Ambassadors play a key role in supporting Healthy & Well initiatives by sharing resources and events with their areas, divisions, and coworkers and, in doing so, promote a culture of whole-person wellness at LBNL. Once approved, the Wellness Ambassadors are added to an email group and sent monthly health & wellness content. They can then share the resources via email announcements, one-minute slides, division newsletters and more. See below for the details. 

Come join the team! 

What is a Wellness Ambassador? 

Berkeley Lab Wellness Ambassadors are staff volunteers who play a key role in supporting the Lab’s health and wellness resources by promoting them to their areas, divisions, departments, groups and friends. Any LBNL employee can volunteer as a Wellness Ambassador. 

What is the Ambassador Role?

Benefits of Being a Wellness Ambassador

Time Commitment


How to become a Wellness Ambassador

Wellness Ambassadors

Wellness Ambassador Roster