healthy & well


Healthy & Well at LBNL is a centralized location for Berkeley Lab staff to find support and resources to help build their health, wellness and well-being. The website is intended to get you thinking about the things you can do to foster health and wellness in your life - both at work and at home. In each section you’ll find a collection of resources from the Lab, UC Berkeley and the community.

The quality or state of being healthy in body and mind. 

A good or satisfactory condition of existence; a state characterized by health, happiness, and prosperity.

Wellness means paying attention to our physical and emotional states, our social connections and our support systems. It means stepping away from the computer to take a walk around the block or planning an outdoor outing on the weekend. It could look like making space for an online yoga class or downloading a meditation app to use on a daily basis. It could be finding a new recipe for Monday night dinner or sitting down for a phone call with your best friend. It might be making an appointment with your doctor for a physical or finding a fitness coach. 

In short, it’s about finding a balance of your physical and mental well-being and your work life. It’s not so much an end goal, but rather small daily changes to your lifestyle.

The upside? Finding a little balance can help with your stress and anxiety and can give you the resiliency you need to handle whatever else life is going to bring.

Explore resources from Health Services, nutrition resources, and activities like the Lab's running club. 

Get in touch with the Employee Assistance Program, explore mindfulness resources, and browse the list of warm lines and support services. 

Family, friends, and work connections are essential to our well being. Find ways to build community at Berkeley Lab as well as support services for child and elder care.

UC offers a wide range of classes and support when it comes to finances and retirement

Wellness by the month

Each month we share upcoming events and workshops, resources to get you thinking about your physical and emotional health. We also include a 'one minute for wellness' slide so you can share the resources with your colleagues each month. 

Explore the monthly resources brought to you from the Healthy & Well team. 

Event highlights

Be Well at Work Spring Workshops

Join the Be Well At Work Faculty and Staff Health Programs to discover experiential insights, practical tips, and effective strategies to enhance your well-being. The workshops provide a supportive environment for learning and nourishment with a focus on mental wellness, financial literacy, and caregiver resilience.

These workshops are brought to the Lab by the Employee Assistance Program.

Click on the link to register - registration in advance is required to receive the login information.


Healthy & well calendar

Interested in adding the Healthy & Well at LBL events to your calendar? Just click on the link in the lower right hand corner of the calendar below and you'll be able to view our events from your Google calendar. (The calendar is available to LBNL employees only.)

The site is a collaborative effort between Health Services, Human Resources, and the Office of Organizational Stewardship to support the health and wellness of Berkeley Lab employees and their families. Questions? Please email us at